Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Streamwood, Illinois
Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Dan Gordon
Pastor Dan attended Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown, WI, where he heard the Lord's calling him to preach. Upon being shown the doctrines of grace and church truth he looked for a like-minded church, finding a house mission in Streamwood, IL that ended up becoming faith Missionary Baptist Church. After pastoring mission works in Hanover Park and Woodridge, the mission in Woodridge was organized as Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, with Dan Gordon as Pastor. After 4 years of pastoring Sovereign Grace, Pastor Dan was called to be the Pastor of Faith Missionary Baptist Church in 1982. In 1999, after 17 years, Pastor Dan felt the Lord's leading to become the Pastor of Zoar Baptist Church in Cunningham, KY. Pastor Dan dwelt with and nourished the people of Zoar for 4 years before answering the Lord's call to become the Pastor of Home Baptist Church in Mt. Morris, MI. Pastor Dan enjoyed 17 blessed years at Home Baptist before feeling led back "home", Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Streamwood, IL. We at Faith are thrilled to benefit from Pastor Dan's wisdom and experience gleaned from over 45 years of pastoring the Lord's churches!
My favorite Bible verse >

Ezekiel 11:16
What I love about our church >

This church truly loves the Lord, the truth, and their neighbors!
How I like to relax >

I love spending time with my family and watching baseball.